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GRN Entry


A Goods Receipt Note (GRN) is generated whenever material is received in a company. This option allows you to generate Goods Receipt Note.


IMMS allows to generate a Goods Receipt Note against a single Purchase Order or multiple Purchase Orders belonging to a Vendor.


IMMS also allows to generate GRN with reference to pending Gate Inwards.


GRNs can be generated with reference to Gate Inwards only if the flag 'Association of GRN and Gate Inward Entry Required' is set as 'On' through Inventory Policy option of Administrator Tools Module. CollapsedClick here to read more about the flag....


Integration with Purchase Module

IMMS allows to generate GRN directly against Purchase Orders raised through Purchase Module.

  • IMMS will NOT allow to make a GRN against those Purchase Orders for which final print out has not been taken out.
  • IMMS provides flexibility to receive material either against one Purchase Order in one GRN or against multiple Purchase Orders in one GRN provided all the Purchase Orders are made for the same vendor and items are stored in the same warehouse.
Integration with Finance Module

Apart from Inventory updates, IMMS also automatically updates Finance related transactions associated with the Goods Receipts. But these updates depend upon the setting of the 'Authorization Required' flag through Document Control Master option in Administrator Tools Module. If this flag is 'Yes', than the update is done after the Goods Receipt Note is authorized through GRN Authorization option. If this flag is 'No', than the update is done immediately after the Goods Receipt Note is saved. The financial update is done as follows -

  • Material Account will be Debited with Inventory Rate (Basic value + Non Postable tax)
  • Postable Tax will be Debited
  • GRN Liability will be Credited with (Basic value + all taxes)

Once a GRN has been generated, IMMS updates inventory on the basis of following conditions -

A list of already generated GRNs will be displayed as follows -


Enter any text you want to search in the list below. The search is applicable to all columns of the list. Once the text is entered, press <ENTER> key. As a result, the list will be refreshed with all those records that contain the entered text fully or partially. In order to go back to the original list, remove the text from the box and press <ENTER> key again.


Filter By:

IMMS provides the facility to filter the records on the basis of their status. Click on the field and select either 'All', 'Authorized' or 'Pending for Authorization'. Selecting 'All' will display all records, authorized as well as unauthorized. Selecting 'Authorized' will display only authorized records. Selecting 'Pending for Authorization' will displays only those records that are yet to be authorized.


Once a Goods Receipt Note is generated, it may or may not need to be authorized.


Authorization of GRN is a flag driven option. Therefore its availability depends upon the setting of the 'Authorization Required' flag through Document Control Master option in Administrator Tools Module. CollapsedRead more...


GRNs can be added, edited, deleted and viewed provided the Role associated with the currently logged-in user through User Management has the respective rights to do so.

To 'Add' a GRN, click on the button and to 'Edit', click on the icon on its corresponding record. Click on the icon to delete a particular GRN. To view details of a particular GRN, <DoubleClick> on that record. As a result, following screen will be displayed -


Please note that even if a GRN is authorized, IMMS allows to update or add a new file as Attachment through 'View' mode. Rest of the information can not be changed.


The GRN screen has been divided into 8 different sections to store related information.

Screen Layout of GRN Detail

Field Description of GRN Detail

GRN Detail

Enter the GRN Details as follows -

PO Type:

Specify the type of Purchase Order against which the GRN belongs to.


While 'Adding', select either 'Regular' or 'Capital' from the given popup.


In case of 'Edit', and 'View' , PO Type of the selected record will be displayed automatically. You can NOT change it.



Denotes the Financial Year of the GRN.


While 'Adding', current Financial Year is displayed by default which can NOT be changed.


In case of 'Edit', and 'View' , Year of the selected record will be displayed automatically. You can NOT change it.



Specify the Group of the GRN.


While 'Adding', please note that the Group which has been specified as default for the selected financial year through Document Control Master option in Administrator Toolswill be displayed automatically.


You can change it by clicking on the field to access a list of already defined GRN Groups for the entered Year though Document Control Master option in Administrator Tools Module. Select your desired Group from the list by scrolling down to it and pressing <ENTER>. Alternatively you can also enter the Group.


In case of 'Edit', and 'View' , Group of the selected record will be displayed automatically. You can NOT change it.



Specify the Site of the Goods Receipt Note.


While 'Adding', the Site if any specified with the selected Group will be displayed by default.


Click on the field to access a list of already defined Sites. Select your desired Site from the list by scrolling down to it and pressing <ENTER>. Alternatively you can also enter the Site.


CollapsedRead more about Site...


Please note that the Site(s) will be displayed/accepted as per the following conditions -

  • In case the 'Site Required?' flag is 'On' through Document Control Master option in Administrator Tools Module, then only those Sites will be displayed which have been linked with the selected Year and GRN Group.
  • In case the 'Site Required' flag is 'Off', then all the Sites that have been defined for the current Company through Site Master option of Administrator Tools Module will be displayed.

In case of 'Edit', and 'View' , Site of the selected record will be displayed automatically. You can NOT change it.



(Type : Alphanumeric, Length : 6)


While 'Adding', GRN Number is either generated automatically or entered manually by the user.


Generation of GRN Number is a flag driven option and depends upon the setting of flag 'Auto Number Generate Required' through Document Control Master option in Administrator Tools Module. CollapsedClick here to read more about the flag...


In case of 'Edit', and 'View' , Number of the selected record will be displayed automatically. You can NOT change it.



While 'Adding' a new GRN, enter the Date of the GRN. Today's date is displayed by default. You can change it but it can not be later than today's date or Current Period End Date. Press <TAB>.

In case of 'Edit', and 'View', GRN Date will be displayed automatically as per the selected GRN Number. You can change it in 'Edit' mode.



While 'Adding', specify the Warehouse in which material is being received.


Click on the field to access a list of Warehouses defined through Warehouse Master option. Select your desired Warehouse from the list by scrolling down to it and pressing <ENTER>. Alternatively you can also enter the Warehouse. Press <TAB>.


IMMS ensures that if 'Capital' type of Purchase Order is selected, than the type of Warehouse selected should also be of Capital Goods.


You can not select a Warehouse that has been deactivated through Activate/De-activate Master option in Administrator Tools Module. The help will also not display such Warehouses.


In case of 'Edit', and 'View', Warehouse will be displayed automatically as per the selected GRN Number. You can NOT change it in 'Edit' mode.

Gate Inward Detail

Please note that this section of Gate Inwards will be displayed only if the flag 'Association of GRN and Gate Inward Entry Required' is set as 'On' through Inventory Policy option of Administrator Tools Module. Otherwise it will NOT be displayed at all.


A list of pending Gate Inward Numbers against which goods have not been received yet and belong to the same Site as that of GRN Site will be displayed in a grid as follows -


Press <SPACEBAR> to select or de-select Gate Inward Numbers with reference to which Goods Receipt Note has to be made. You can select multiple Gate Inward Numbers provided they have been generated for same Vendors only. Otherwise an appropriate message is displayed. Once selection is over, press <TAB>.

Click on button to continue.

Screen Layout of Vendor Information

Field Description of Vendor Information


In case of 'Edit', and 'View', Vendor will be displayed automatically as per the selected GRN Number.


While 'Adding' a new GRN,

In case the GRN is being generated with reference to Gate Inwards, the Vendor Code of the selected Gate Inward Numbers will be displayed automatically in this field. You can NOT change it.


In case the GRN is NOT being generated with reference to Gate Inwards, specify the Vendor of Purchase Order against which material is being received.

To do so, click on the icon to access a list of Vendors defined through Vendor Master option of Purchase Module.Only those Vendors will be displayed whose Purchase Orders are still open/pending and the items mentioned in them are linked with the selected Warehouse. Select your desired Vendor from the list by scrolling down to it and click on 'Continue' button. Press <TAB>.


You can not select a Vendor that has been deactivated through Activate/De-activate Master option in Administrator Tools Module. The help will also not display such Vendors.


Currency of the selected Vendor will be displayed automatically as specified through Vendor Master Entry option in Purchase Module for your display purpose.


IMMS provides flexibility to receive material either against one Purchase Order in one GRN or against multiple Purchase Orders in one GRN provided all the Purchase Orders are made for the same vendor and items are stored in the same warehouse.

But the above facility is a flag driven option and its availability depends on the setting of the flag 'Do you Want to Allow one GRN against multiple PO of same Vendor?' set in Inventory Policy option of Administrator Tools Module. CollapsedCollapsedClick here to read more about the flag....


If the flag 'Do you Want to Allow one GRN against multiple PO of same Vendor?' is set as 'On', all pending Purchase Orders against the selected Vendor will be considered. This means that IMMS will consider Items belonging to all the pending Purchase Orders raised for the selected Vendor. Further the Item Detail tab of the screen will automatically display all the Items belonging to the respective Purchase Orders.


If the flag 'Do you Want to Allow one GRN against multiple PO of same Vendor?' is set as 'Off', the user has an option to select a single Purchase Order. A grid containing all the pending Purchase Orders along with their details will be displayed as follows -

Scroll through all the Purchase Orders to see them and click on the 'Continue' button to continue. Click on 'Cancel' button to discard.

Once you select a Purchase Order, its Items will be automatically displayed in Item Details and Rate Structure section of the same screen.

Challan No:

(Type : Alphanumeric, Length : 20)


While 'Adding', enter the Challan Number.


In case of 'Edit', and 'View', Challan Number will be displayed automatically as per the selected GRN Number. You can change it in 'Edit' mode.


Challan Date:

While 'Adding', enter the Date of Challan. It can not be later than the GRN Date and today's date.


In case of 'Edit', and 'View', Challan Date will be displayed automatically as per the selected GRN Number. You can change it in 'Edit' mode.


Supplier Type:

While 'Adding', specify the type of supplier by selecting the applicable option from the given popup.


In case of 'Edit', and 'View', Supplier Type will be displayed automatically as per the selected GRN Number.


Click on button to continue.

Screen Layout of Transporter and Supplier Bill Detail

Screen Layout of Transporter and Supplier Bill Detail

LR No:

(Type : Alphanumeric, Length : 15)

Enter the Lorry Receipt Number.


Transporter's Name:

(Type : Alphanumeric, Length : 30)


Click on the field to access a list of Transporters defined through Codes Master - Entry (Code Type='TR') option of Administrator Tools Module will be displayed. Select your desired Transporter from the list by scrolling down to it and pressing <ENTER>. Alternatively you can also enter the name of the Transporter.


Material Lying At:

(Type : Alphanumeric, Length : 30)

Enter the place where the material is lying.


Issue Certificate Number:

(Type : Alphanumeric, Length : 33)

Enter the Issue Certificate Number.


Issue Certificate Date:

Enter the Issue Certificate Date.


Invoice Number:

(Type : Alphanumeric, Length : 20)

Enter the Excise Invoice Number.


Invoice Date:

Enter the Date of Excise Invoice.


Receipt Certificate Number:

Enter the Receipt Certificate Number.


Receipt Certificate Date:

Enter the Receipt Certificate Date.


Bill of Entry:

(Type : Alphanumeric, Length : 30)

Enter the Bill of Entry for the GRN.


Inspection Rpt Attached:

Specify whether the Inspection Report is attached or not. Click on the flag to switch it 'On' or 'Off' .


While 'Adding', enter the Remark, if any related to the GRN.


In case of 'Edit', and 'View', Remark will be displayed automatically as per the selected GRN Number. You can change it in 'Edit' mode.


Click on button to continue.

Screen Layout of Item Details and Rate Structure

Field Description of Item Details and Rate Structure

Item Detail

While 'Adding' a new GRN, this grid will be populated depending upon the following conditions -

In case of 'Edit', and 'View' Items belonging to the selected GRN Number will be displayed along with other information.


Field Description of Grid -


Item Code

Displays the Code of the Item. You can NOT change it.


Item Name

Displays the Name of the Item Code. You can NOT change it.


Warehouse Code

Displays the Warehouse Code in which the Item is to be received. You can NOT change it.


Warehouse Name

Displays the Name of the Warehouse Code. You can NOT change it.



(Type : Numeric, Length : 9.3)

Denotes the GRN Quantity in Purchase Unit of Measurement.

Please note that GRN Quantity can be entered in Purchase Unit of Measurement only in case of Perfect Conversion Factor (PUOM = IUOM) otherwise the quantity should be entered in Internal Unit of Measurement in 'IUOM Qty' field.




Displays the Purchase Unit of Measurement of the Item for your reference. You can NOT change it.



(Type : Numeric, Length : 9.3)

Denotes the GRN Quantity in Internal Unit of Measurement.

Please note that GRN Quantity can be entered in Internal Unit of Measurement only in case of Imperfect Conversion Factor (PUOM # IUOM) otherwise the quantity should be entered in Purchase Unit of Measurement in 'PUOM Qty' field.


Displays the Internal Unit of Measurement of the Item for your reference. You can NOT change it.


Basic Price

Displays the Purchase Price of the Item as mentioned in its Purchase Order. You can NOT change it.


PO Number

Displays the Purchase Order details of the Item for your reference. You can NOT change it.


PO Date

Displays the Date of Purchase Order for your reference. You can NOT change it.



Displays the Purchase Quantity of the Item as mentioned in its Purchase Order for your reference. You can NOT change it.



Displays the Quantity of Item Received till now for your reference. You can NOT change it.



Displays the Quantity of Item Rejected till now for your reference. You can NOT change it.



Displays the Quantity of Item Short Closed till now for your reference. You can NOT change it.



Automatically calculates and displays the Purchase Order Quantity in Purchase Unit of Measurement by using the conversion factors.



Automatically calculates and displays the Received Quantity of the Item in Purchase Unit of Measurement by using the conversion factors.


IUOM Conversion

Displays the Conversion Factor for the Internal Unit of Measurement for your reference. You can NOT change it.


PUOM Conversion

Displays the Conversion Factor for the Purchase Unit of Measurement for your reference. You can NOT change it.


Conversion Factor

Displays the whether Purchase Conversion Factor (P) is being used or Internal Conversion Factor (I) for your reference. You can NOT change it.


Conversion Limit

Displays the Limit for Conversion for your reference. You can NOT change it.


Discount Type

Displays the Type of Discount offered for the Item as mentioned in its Purchase Order. You can NOT change it.


Discount Value

Displays the Value of Discount for the Item as mentioned in its Purchase Order. You can NOT change it.


Purchase Rate

Automatically calculates and displays the Purchase Rate as Basic Price X PUOM Qty


Exchange Rate

Displays the Exchange Rate for the Currency of the Vendors for your reference. You can NOT change it.


PO Item Remarks

Displays the Remarks related to the Item as mentioned in its Purchase Order for your reference. You can NOT change it.



(Type : Numeric, Length : 8)

Denotes the HSN Code for the combination of Item and Purchase Order.


Automatically displays the HSN Code entered for the combination of current Purchase Order and Item. If required, you can change it.


But in case HSN Code has not been entered for the combination of current Purchase Order and Item, IMMS provides the facility to enter it while generating the GRN. Click on the field. Now enter the HSN Code. It should have either 2, 4 or 8 digits. Otherwise, the system will display an appropriate message. It can be left blank as well.


Item Detail Description:

Automatically displays the Detail Description entered for the Item through Item Master Basic Detail - Entry option of Materials Module for your reference. It can not be changed.


Shelf Life Expire Date:

Denotes the Expiry Date of the Item.


Enter the Expiry Date of the Item.

Please note that Expiry Date can be entered only for those Items that belong to the Class or Sub-Class for which 'Use Shelf Life' flag has been selected through Class/Sub-Class Master option of Administrator Tools Module. Otherwise, it will remain disabled.

Rate Structure Detail

A grid populated with Rate Codes belonging to the selected Rate Structure specified for the Purchase Order is displayed as follows -



All the Amounts are displayed in Vendor's Currency.


Field Description of the grid -


Automatically generated sequence number.


Rate Code:

Automatically displays the Rate Code belonging to the Rate Structure for your reference.


Rate Desc:

Automatically displays the Description of the Rate Code belonging to the Rate Structure for your reference.



Automatically displays whether the selected Rate Code is Included or Excluded as specified through Tax Rate Master - Entry option for your reference. It can NOT be changed.



Automatically displays whether the value of the selected Rate Code is in Value or Percentage as specified through Tax Rate Master - Entry option for your reference. It can NOT be changed.


Applicable On:

Automatically displays the Rate Codes on which this particular Rate Code is applicable.


Tax Value:

Automatically displays the Value of the selected Rate Code as specified in the Purchase Order.


IMMS allows to enter value in this field to specify the 'At Actual' tax amount to be added in the GRN Amount. Please note that the value can be entered only if the Rate Code is of 'Value' type or 'Percentage' type with zero % entered in Tax Rate Master for that Tax Rate.


If % or Value is of 'Percentage' type and its percentage value is not zero, in that case percentage of tax as entered in the Rate Structure will be displayed automatically. You can not change it.


Post/Non Post:

Automatically displays whether the selected Rate Code is Postable or Non Postable in Purchase as specified through Tax Rate Master - Entry option for your reference. If it is Postable, the box will be displayed as checked otherwise it will be displayed empty.


Rate Amount:

In case of 'Percentage', the Rate Amount field in the grid is calculated automatically as % (entered in Tax Value field) of Purchase Rate. In case of 'Value', the entered amount of tax is displayed.


where Purchase Rate = Basic Price * PUOM Qty and is already shown in the Item Detail tab.

Currency Code:

Automatically displays the Currency of the selected Rate Code as specified through Tax Rate Master - Entry option for your reference.

Click on button to continue.

Screen Layout of Caption Detail

Field Description of Caption Detail

Caption Detail

A list of all Statutory Captions that have been specified as Available for the combination of GRN and currently logged-in Company through Statutory Number And Caption Applicability option of Administrator Tools Module will be displayed in a grid as shown above.


Scroll through the Captions. Click on the 'Caption Detail' field and enter the relevant data.


Moreover if a particular Caption has been declared as 'Keep Mandatory' through Statutory and Other Caption Detail option of Administrator Tools Module, it becomes compulsory to enter its value. Otherwise IMMS will display an appropriate message while saving the GRN.


Manufacturer/Importer Details

This section will be enabled only in case Supply Form (in Receipt Detail tab) is selected as 'Manufacturer', 'Importer', 'First Stage Dealer' or 'Second Stage Dealer'. Otherwise it will remain disabled.


Enter the address and excise details of the party as follows -


GRN's Vendor Details

This section will be enabled only in case Supply Form (in Receipt Detail tab) is selected as 'First Stage Dealer' or 'Second Stage Dealer'. Otherwise it will remain disabled.


Enter the address and excise details of the party as follows -

Basic Amount:

Basic Amount of the GRN is calculated automatically and displayed. It is calculated as follows -


Total GRN Value = sum total of (PUOM Qty X Basic Price) for all Items in the Item Detail grid

Basic Amount = Total GRN Value - sum total of Amount of all inclusive taxes  


Total Payable to Vendor:

Total Amount of the GRN is calculated automatically and displayed after adding taxes to the Basic Amount.


Basic Amount Dom:

Basic Amount of the GRN in domestic currency is calculated automatically and displayed.


Total Payable to Vendor Dom:

Total Amount with Tax is calculated automatically and displayed after adding taxes (domestic currency) to the Basic Amount Dom.

Click on button to continue.

Screen Layout of Attachment Detail

Field Description of Attachment Detail

Store various drawing and image files related to the selected Item through this section.

Click on to select the files or images. As a result, Windows Explorer will open to select the files from their respective paths. You can also drag the files from the Windows Explorer and drop them to this section. The File will be displayed in the list below. IMMS allows to select following type of files-

A list of Files will be displayed as follows-



While 'Adding' a new Item, this list will be empty.

In case of 'Edit', and 'View' and this list will display all the attached Files for the selected Item.


Field Description of the list-


To view a particular File, click on icon of its record.

To delete a File , click on the icon of its record.


Sr, No.:

Denotes the sequential number of the File.


File Name:

Denotes the name of the attached File.


File Path:

Denotes the path of the attached File.


File Size:

Denotes the size of the attached File.



Denotes the Mode by which the Document has to be sent.


Click on the box. Select 'Mail', 'Post' or 'Both' from the given list.


Document Type:

Denotes the Type of Document.


Click on the box. Select the appropriate option from the given list.


Document No:

Click on the box. Enter the number of the Document.


Document Revision No:

Click on the box. Enter the Revision Number of the Document.


Created By:

Denotes the name of the person who has created the Document.


Created Date:

Denotes the date when the Document was created.

Click on the button to upload all the attached Files.

Once you have entered all the information, click on 'Save' button to save or 'Cancel' button to discard. The control will go back to the list.


Just before saving the GRN, IMMS will check if there are any Rate Codes for which the Value has been left zero. If yes, than a message indicating the same will be flashed and the user has an option to either continue with zero Tax Value or go back and enter it. Following message screen will be shown -

Click on 'Yes' button to save the GRN with zero tax value or 'No' button to go back to enter the tax value.